
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Feeling Discouraged

My doctor moved me to what he terms soft foods - lunch meats, fish, moist chicken, tuna fish - and I can't eat them. It feels like they stick in the back of my throat every time I try to eat them. It's just so discouraging. So, I've moved back down to purees and really soft foods such as refried beans and yogurt and cottage cheese. I feel like I've failed or something at this even though there are others on this program who are on liquids for 4 weeks after surgery. I really wanted to move off of protein drinks but it looks like I don't have that choice. I've always wanted to do everything perfectly and Slevlanka is really teaching me that perfection has no room in this journey. Just when I think I'm ready to do things one way that little bitch decides to change the way things are done.


Ang said...

I can see your frustration. Yet your self-awareness is such a gift (for lack of a better word) at this time. (a gift from you to you). I am glad you are documenting this - not just for others preparing for or recovering from the same procedure - but to remind those of us who tend to be impatient with ourselves that we're not alone! I am the queen of rushing recoveries, btw - and I've gotten in some form of trouble every time!

Unknown said...

The bright side is, this will help your weight loss. Solid food will be there eventually. Give it time. There will be a point when you take solid food for granted. File these discouraging feelings away for then. Keep plugging away a day at a time!! Keep up the great work!!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Two words: Blender pizza

Good for you for taking such an important step to a healthy lifestyle. My mom recently got a band, and I think she's narrowly avoided some serious obesity-related health issues. Plus, the transformation is visually amazing. Keep up the good work, and thanks for letting the rest of us know what it's like through your blog.

(Not sure why I'm showing up as Unknown....)